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Entrepass允許申請者讓家人(配偶及21歲以下的未婚子女)在新加坡申請他們的依親簽證(dependent passes)而且Entrepass的持有人及家人,可以在1年以後申請新加坡的永久居留,而每次Entrepass的簽證時間為兩年。
|  有企業經營經驗(不限學歷)或大學以上學歷無企業主經驗但具有創業潛力(由本公司協助描述)皆可申請。
|  您希望在新加坡建立業務往來並且在當地籌設公司,或者是入股當地的其他公司,而在新加坡的創業理念必須具創業性質,能夠當地創造就業機會。
|  您過去有創業的經歷、相關背景或足夠的創業潛力。
|  您打算在新加坡註冊一家私營有限責任公司,但不能擔任獨資者,而且必須找當地居民(國民或PR)做為合夥人
|  您在申請Entrepass時尚未在新加坡註冊公司或已註冊時間不超過六個月
|  您計劃在公司內佔有百分之30以上的股權
|   您的公司將有最低實收資本額五萬新幣



 EntrePass – Consultancy Service for EntrePass Applicants


EntrePass is a premium consultancy service tailored made for aspiring entrepreneurs and
businessman who have intention to start a business and operate it in Singapore.
The EntrePass scheme was launched in 2004 as part of Singapore’s overall plan to
become a regional business hub and attract the best business and entrepreneurial talents
to the country. The term EntrePass is also commonly known as Entrepreneur Pass or
Business Pass.
EntrePass immigration scheme is designed for foreign entrepreneurs and businessman
who wish to start a business in Singapore and will have at least 30% of company shares.
It’s possible to apply for EntrePass before incorporating the Singapore company. Once the
pass is approved, you will generally be given 30 days to incorporate the proposed
company and inject the necessary share capital.
The EntrePass allows you to bring your family (spouse and unmarried children under 21)
to Singapore by applying for their dependent passes. EntrePass holders are eligible to
apply for Singapore permanent residence in due course.
In general, any foreigner above the age of 21 and with the requisite qualifications is eligible
to apply for Singapore entrepreneurial visa - EntrePass. The EntrePass scheme will be
appropriate for you under the following conditions:
• You wish to establish a business in Singapore and relocate to Singapore to run it. The
proposed business idea must be entrepreneurial in nature and able to create local
• You have an entrepreneurial and/or relevant background.
• You plan to register your business as a Singapore private limited company and not as
a sole proprietorship or partnership.
• You have not yet incorporated your company or the company is not more than six
months old at the time of EntrePass application.
• You plan to have at least 30% shareholding in the proposed business.
• The company will have a minimum paid-up capital of S$50,000.
EntrePass Application and Approval Process
consultants will assist you in preparing all necessary documents prior to
submitting the application of EntrePass. A key component is a comprehensive and concise
business plan that outlines the business activities, its products, revenues and profits.
Your EntrePass application must be sponsored by a Singapore-registered company or you
will also be asked to provide a banker’s guarantee of S$3,000 upon approval of the pass.
Once your EntrePass application along with supporting documents is ready, it must be
filed with Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Your application will be reviewed by two
government bodies – Spring Singapore and MOM. The application process works as
• The application is submitted to MOM.
• Once submitted, the processing of EntrePass application on the average takes is
about 6-8 weeks.
• If your application is successful, you will be issued an Approval In-Principle (AIP)
letter, after which you have to register your Singapore company and open a
corporate bank account within 30 days (assuming the company has not been
registered yet).
• MOM will require you to submit proof of company registration, and the injection of
the minimum paid-up capital in the corporate bank account, before they can issue
you a final approval letter.
• You may be required to go through a medical test and produce the medical report
when collecting your EntrePass. Whether or not you need to go through a medical
test will be mentioned in the approval letter (along with the list of tests). You can get
the medical tests done in your own country through an established clinic/hospital or
you can get it done when you arrive in Singapore.
• Once the final approval letter has been issued, you must relocate to Singapore
within 6 months of the approval date. If based on your nationality you require an
entry visa to Singapore, a onetime entry visa is normally issued to you as part of the
EntrePass approval letter.
• If you had applied for dependant passes (DP) for your family, you can collect the
DPs at the same time when collecting your EntrePass.
Rejection of EntrePass Application
If you meet the EntrePass eligibility requirements; and you have a good business
background; and your business can create local employment opportunities, it’s unlikely
that your entrepreneur visa application will be rejected. However, if your application gets
rejected, an appeal can be filed within 30 days.
The processing of an appeal application can take another 4-6 weeks.
From EntrePass to Permanent Residence
EntrePass holders are eligible to apply for permanent residence in due course and are
subject to review and approval by Singapore immigration authorities. When you file your
PR application, you should demonstrate that you are running a viable business and that
you will not become a financial burden on Singapore.
For more information about EntrePass, please visit the Ministry of Manpower’s website.
Payment Schedule:
1. Consultancy Fees -
2. Third Party Charges
- Pay after receiving IPA from MOM
- Actual amount depends on services required.
Please refer to the table on next page for details of the fees and charges,




